Every time you ride, whether it is hacking, in the arena, jumping and on the gallops you should always be aware of improving the horses ‘way of going’ and flat work. In this section we will look at horses and riders working to improve the athletic way of moving, developing strength and balance and being happy in their work as they train to a higher level. We will look at exercises to improve balance; exercises to improve accuracy; exercises to improve obedience and willingness to work; lateral exercises such as shoulder in, travers, half-pass, renvers, pirouettes; rein back; counter canter; the different stages of the single flying change; the use of different tack and the effects on the horse; and many more different aspects.

Rider Prep… In the right frame of mind, having 5-10min to prepare your thoughts without any rushing, away from others, […]

A great floor plan for all levels of horses. A square of poles set at 20mx20m with a 10m marker […]

Balance in general means equal weight to bothe sides and it is crucial to always be working at our own […]

Using something off the ground that is safe for the horse to work over is a really beneficial part to […]

Training a horse to work correctly and through from the hind leg, across the back into a soft contact takes […]

Straightness is the key to a sound horse and good performance. Developing it in your training is exceptionally important and […]

Keeping rhythm and suppleness in the fore front of your mind when riding and training will have a huge impact […]

Coaching the horse to do a correct, clean single flying change takes a long time, up to 3 years for […]

This is a key exercise to developing consistency in the steering aids, straightness, balance and accuracy to the centimetre. It’s […]